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Council put block on aiport

RESIDENT associations and environmentalists welcomed Palma City Council's decision to block plans to expand Palma airport.
City council planners have agreed that the one million square metre expansion project neither meets Palma's planning laws nor will the council revise the planning regulations to cater for the plan.

Urban development Councillor Javier Rodrigo de Santos said yesterday that the future of the project now lies in the hands of the Council of Majorca which will sit to discuss the project on December 13.

The councillor said that the airport expansion project does not fall in with the council's sustainable urban development plans.
De Santos also revealed that airport authority AENA want to use the one million square metres of agricultural land to build a new industrial estate and service area for the airport which, the council claims, can be easily built on the existing airport site, and much closer to the terminals.

However, the council's ruling may prove to be merely a formality as the final decision lies with the Ministry for Transport and Development in Madrid once the project has passed through the Council of Majorca.

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