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Around Majorca

Dragonera loses visitors

DATA gathered over the last few years show that fewer visitors are going to Dragonera Island Natural Park, especially since 2000 when entry to the protected area became controlled. The quality of this protected area, is, however, on the increase.

Up until October this year, the number of visits has fallen below the average figures for 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. “In general, although not as many people are going to the park, the public perception of the area is high”, said a government spokesman. “It's also a real pleasure to visit the park without crowds of people”. Research on tourist opinion over the obligatory fee of one euro for crossing to Dragonera shows that having to pay is nothing to do with falling visitor numbers.

A fine fiesta turnout

THE instability of the weather at the weekend had an impact on the number of visitors attending the two-day Fira de Tardor in Marratxi. Although figures weren't as high as last year, the event was nevertheless well attended. Regional government minister for the President's Office, Rosa Estaras, toured the exhibition area accompanied by local mayor, Miquel Bestard.

There were two new features this year: one was a demonstration of skill by Jaume Rosselló, a rejoneador (matador on horseback); and skill of a different kind was on display by specially-trained “sniffer” dogs who are used in anti-drugs and anti-explosives raids carried out by the Guardia Civil.

Plaça Nova was in use for the first time enabling a much better spread of exhibition stands and stalls. Classic Car and Livestock displays were also a focus of attention.

Historic organ restored

DIFFERENT sections of society in Alaro have voiced approval at the subsidy of 194'000 euros from regional government funds to refurbish the historic organ at the parish church. Those signalling their pleasure at the restoration of the organ, which had been pillaged during the 1950s, included the ruling Socialist/Majorcan Union coalition at the local Town Council, as well as an array of associations who had been campaigning for years to raise funds for the work.

Alaro's mayor, Miquel Deya, said that the restoration programme was funded by regional government as part of a wider scheme aimed at lengthening the tourist season. Historic organs, and concerts at the churches where they are installed, are being promoted as a visitor attraction.

Paella defies the weather

THE blustery wind and rain failed to deter the commitment and efforts of local people in the Santa Catalina district of Manacor on Sunday, on the occasion of the annual paella-making competition.

Enthusiasts emerged with gas-fired cookers, huge circular flat pans for preparing the traditional rice dish, for what was clearly one of the most successful turnouts ever.

Some 20 paellas were prepared by adult teams and a further nine were thrown together by youngsters who made valiant attempts at competing with their elders to produce the most succulent dish. Neighbourhood association president, Matias Adrover, said that the occasion increases in popularity each year. Local mayor, Antoni Pastor, and Manacor Town Council Opposition party representatives turned up to watch the proceedings.

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