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NO ONE can deny that autumn has finally arrived. Rain, blustery wind, and an overcast sky were the hallmarks of last Sunday, the first in November.
Memories of sweltering heat are now far behind us and the winter to come is starting to make its case, as it did on the morning of Sunday with continuous rain.

People huddled under umbrellas and buttoned up with jackets and scarves. Minimum temperatures wavered at 12 degrees and the maximum rose no higher than 17 degrees.

In Palma, rainfall measured 4.5 litres per square metre, and in Lluc in the north of the Island, 4.4 litres. Fine, but persistent rainfall in Pollensa registered 1.7 litres per square metre.

In spite of the rain, there were some who braved the elements and went out to walk as if it were a fine Sunday.
The most daring were seen pedalling along sections of the Paseo Maritimo cycle track in Palma. Others turned up, armed with umbrellas, at the array of football matches scheduled for Sunday.

In the afternoon, however, a glimmer of sunshine peeped through the clouds. The rain stopped and some welcome sunshine brightened the skies. It was wishful thinking however, because come nightfall, the heavens had clouded over once again, an omen of yesterday's weather forecast: cloud and falling temperatures.

Change of clothing is now very much in evidence. A few days ago, people hadn't thought about taking winter coats out of the wardrobe, but Sunday's temperatures made more than one household put the heating on.

The beaches, until only a short while ago, full of sun worshippers, will now remain abandoned until the beginning of next summer. Although there those who headed for the seafront on Sunday, it was only to see how heavy the rain and wind was blowing. The sea, however, had not been whipped into a fury; there is time for rougher storms to gather.

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