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Balearics set an example in energy saving

THE Balearics is the region of Spain with the second highest record for energy saving.
According to a first report on power supply efficiency in the home, the Islands with a rating of 6.3 are runners up only to Madrid with 6.34.
According to the study, Spanish homes squander 9.7 percent of the energy they consume, which suggests that a change is needed in the way householders make use of the power supply. More efficiency could result in savings of up to 700 million euros a year.

A graphic interpretation of energy loss in the home each year can be described as “enough to power 11'000 hours of television, to put the washing machine on with a full load 500 times, or for the fridge to run for a year-and-a-half”.

This report, the first providing a quantitative analysis on energy-saving habits in the home at a regional and national level, has been provided by Union Fenosa in collaboration with the principal consumer associations of Spain (UCE, Cecu, Fuce, Unae and Uncue).

At a presentation yesterday, the Union Fenosa network director, Juan Luis Lopez Cardenete, described this project as being of “enormous strategic importance” for electricity. It will define the policy of responsibility that the supply company needs to maintain in terms of its commitment to clients.

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