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Around Majorca

K Community service

THE Mayor ordered a group of young people to sweep the main squares in the town, because of vandalism during the recent town fiestas in July. It was alleged that one night, a group of eight entered Ca ses Monges, where the music school is, and emptied the contents of the fire extinguishers, causing some damage. The youths were recognised and called before the Mayor in the presence of their parents and a social worker. They admitted their guilt and it was decided that they would spend a day on community service, which involved helping the municipal brigade sweep the two squares.

K Popular fiesta cancelled

THE now traditional botifarró (a spicy Majorcan sausage) fiesta in Sant Joan will not be held for the first time in 38 years, because of disagreements between the town hall and the organisers, the local Penya Motorista. It is generally held on the second Sunday in October.

K Meeting point

THE town council plans to set up a meeting place for families in the process of separation or divorce, where there are conflicts concerning visiting rights. The premises will be available at weekends, and teachers and psychologists will be on hand to provide advice and ease tensions. This new centre will be in the municipal nursery Tonaina and will be available to families not only in Inca but in the 23 municipalities which belong to its judicial area. A similar centre already exists in Palma, and others are planned for Manacor and the islands of Minorca and Ibiza. Judges will decided who can use the service.

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