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United Left/Green Party call for more policing in Palma

News desk
REPRESENTATIVES of the United Left/Green Party coalition on Palma City Council, put forward a proposal on citizen security yesterday, that they wish to be debated at the next full Council meeting. The coalition is advocating the tripling of neighbourhood policing, increasing police presence at night and improving the system that enables citizens to bring complaints to court. The United Left/Green Party confirmed in their proposal, that insufficient policing is a “source of complaint” among residents, as existing officers don't have the capacity to respond to the needs of the municipality. Coalition spokesman, Eberhard Grosske, explained that there are currently 60 officers assigned to neighbourhood policing, which he described as inadequate for covering Palma's 86 districts. In order to ensure effective policing, Grosske believed this number should be increased to 180.
The agenda proposal also stipulated an increase in night-time city policing, although it was unclear how many officiers needed to be recruited in this area. At the same time, the spokesman considered it important to have a mechanism for providing an overall view of the number and nature of complaints that residents have officially registered. He said that local government doesn't have sufficient knowledge of what residents are calling for due to lack of a follow-up system.
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