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THE producers and camera crews for the hit BBC1 day time series Passport to the Sun are back filming their fifth series about Britons living, working and playing in Majorca and Ibiza. The series, which always starts in January and runs daily throughout the week during the gloomy British winter bringing a bit of sunshine into the lives of some two million viewers per day, is produced by Lion Productions. The last series was the most successful ever, hence the producers are back for more with 70 per cent of the series being shot in Majorca and the remainder in Ibiza. New series also means new faces and the producers are looking for Britons setting up a new business venture in Majorca to perhaps feature in the next series, which will again be presented by Nadia Sawalha. This will be the third series Sawalha has presented and since filming the last series, she has become a mother. This year, new-mother commitments permitting, Passport to the Sun will be featuring a day in the life of a Daily Bulletin journalist, although the journalist for the day is going to be Sawalha. The series which has already featured hundreds of local characters, faces and destinations in Majorca, has developed into one of the BBC's most popular day time shows and the Lion Productions camera crews will be spending most of the summer in Majorca and Ibiza following the new stars of the series. The programme is also priceless publicity for the island and local businesses involved in the production.

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