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PLAYA de Palma hotels are to take part in a pilot scheme to promote Balearic food products.
The local Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries has teamed up with the Playa de Palma hotel federation and will be organising lectures and tastings for holiday makers in participating hotels while promoting Majorca's gastronomic tours, such as the wine and local products tours. The new scheme will be launched over the next few weeks and run right through until the end of the winter season with a series of special gastronomic events being held in July and August. The ministry and hotel federation believe that the initiative can help achieve three main aims: improve the agricultural sector, open new markets for local food products and offer new ideas for things to do for tourists staying in the Playa de Palma. The promotional campaign was unveiled by Agriculture Minister Mateu Morro and the president of the Playa de Palma hotel federation, Jordi Cabrer, who said “by using new and innovative attractions, particularly cultural and rural, visitors can learn more about the islands and enjoy a much greater experience.” The campaign will start with a cycle of 50 workshops in Playa de Palma hotels which will inform tourists, for example, about the history of the Majorca paté, sobrasada, and how it is made, the regional wines and the typical Majorcan liquors such as hierbas. The workshops which will also include tastings of local products, will be available in four different languages, Catalan, Castellano, English and German, depending on which language the hotel requires. 30.000 leaflets are also going to distributed in the various languages as a guide to where the various products are produced and made in Majorca, how and when to visit the establishments. The ministry is also talking to hoteliers and tour operators so that at least once a week, traditional Majorcan food is prepared and served, with breakfasts also featuring local products.

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