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Large budget for convention bureau

THE Majorca Convention Bureau, created in 1979 to bring business conventions to the island, will have a budget of 94'000 euros this year.
Most of this money will be spent on promotional campaigns aimed at bringing as many conventions to Majorca as possible.
They will be attending trade fairs in Madrid, London, Berlin, Florence, Chicago, Barcelona and Paris. They are also heavily involved in the Association of British Travel Agent's annual convention which will take place in October. More than 2'000 people will be attending. This is the fourth time in 40 years that ABTA has come to Palma with a space of ten years between each conference.

The Bureau has been helping the Association find accommodation for delegates and general organisation tasks.
There has been some criticism over recent years that Majorca doesn't have the necessary facilities to host large conventions. The Balearic government and private business are still planning to build a major convention and trade fair building in Palma. The Convention Bureau has welcomed the fact that there are now more air links to the Balearics from Northern Europe. They say that this is a definite plus point when it comes to bringing companies and organisations to Palma.

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