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A time for peace not war

“What the world needs at the moment is peace, not war. As we mark the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks I think it is terrible that our minds have turned to a new war.” This statement was made yesterday by the leader of the Balearic government Francesc Antich just hours after the Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar had said that he would back U.S. strikes on Iraq with or without the support of the United Nations. “Today is a very sad day and we have still not grasped the consequences of the attacks,” he said. “Every argument and cause loses its purpose when it is imposed with force and by breaching civil rights. Today, the Balearics is with the victims of the September 11 attacks.” “It is our duty in the western world to spread democracy and civil liberties. It is also our duty to try and counter poverty and injustice and trying to find a remedy to the problems which lead to suicide bombings,” he said. “We wants to build a world where all our children can live together.” Antich said that everyone was still in a state of shock at what had happened a year ago.”

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