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Ten days of rain beats average for March/April

The rain which fell over the past ten days has equalled the average rainfall for the whole of March and April, according to weatherman Agustin Jansá. Rainfall at the Porto Pi observatory in the period March 28 to April 6 was 86.6 litres per square metre, compared to an average of 26 litres for March and 41 for April (based on figures for the past 300 years). The amount recorded in Lluc was 317.5 litres, compared to an average of 119 in March and 103 in April. In Orient, 215 litres was recorded in a single day, April 3. In Sa Pobla, the amount of rain was 108 litres, compared to an average of 73 litres for March and April. The rainfall was generalised all over the island. The amount recorded in Porreres was 82.7 llitres compared to an average of 86 litres; 35.5 litres fell in Capdepera and 54.4 litres in Portocolom.

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