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Borne now has a new look

Council workmen have wasted no time in altering the face of the Borne, one side of which has now been closed to traffic. The signs indicating the change in direction (one side of the Borne now has two-way traffic), were painted on Monday and yesterday traffic lights were being removed and planters put in place to act as a barrier to traffic. This is one of the major projects of the council's mobility plan which puts the emphasis on recovering the historic city centre for pedestrians, boosting public transport and improving quality of life. The city council says that the Borne is often used by drivers seeking a short cut to cross the city and the new move is designed to encourage them to use alternative routes such as the Avenida Argentina or Avenida Jaime III. Yesterday, hostesses could be seen distributing information about the change to motorists. Leaflets have also been delivered to residents in the area.

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