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Improvement plan for the Platja de Palma

The Balearic government has approved what it describes as “a plan of excellence” for the Platja de Palma, one of the most popular resorts on the island, in which the Palma city council and the central ministry of finance will take part. Each administration will provide 300 million pesetas. The strategic lines of action for next year are to improve the quality of services and the urban and natural environment, create new tourist products and re-evaluate tourist services. The government has also signed an agreement with Cáritas and the Deixalles foundation, to develop a plan for introducing the marginalised into the labour market. It will have a budget of 60 million pesetas. Under the agreement, experimental new initiatives will be introduced to help people rejoin the labour market. An agreement to finance the home help programme in outlying towns and villages of the plain has also been signed with the Balearic Institute of Social Welfare. The agreement, which has a budget of 43.1 million pesetas, will benefit 500 people. At the same time, the government has also approved an agreement with the Ibizan Patrimony of Humanity Consortium to set up an office which will have a budget of 62.5 million pesetas. The office will be to centralise planning and development problems derived from the Consortium's projects and activities.

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