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Majorca Council plans false tunnels for Inca motorway

The development plan which the Council of Majorca is about to approve proposes putting some stretches of the Inca motorway underground to facilitate a connection between natural areas. Planning minister Rafael de Lacy explained that it was not a question of “burying” the most important road in Majorca, but covering some stretches with false tunnels. He explained that in Marratxi, for example, a stretch of motorway splits a small hill in two, just before reaching the municipality of Santa Maria. What the Plan aims to do is rebuild the landscape, recovering the hill by covering the motorway with a false tunnel. In this way, the Serra de Tramuntana mountains would be linked with the plain and the purpose is to create a “biological corridor” which will allow the passage of flora and fauna from one natural area to another. The minister said that at the moment, the motorway is a dividing line between the mountains and the other natural spaces of the island.

The problem lies in the construction of the tunnels. The one planned for Marratxi would be more than one kilometre long. These tunnels are not very expensive he said, and the Council would not have to seek government funding as it will be responsible for roads from January 1.

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