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The house invaders have landed

The show's star “chippies” Phil and J.J. get to grips with the material.

Julie and Steve Morton were up at the crack of dawn at their Costa de la Calma home yesterday, making sure the kettle was on and the tea cups ready for the imminent arrival of BBC interior designer Linda Barker and her team of house invaders. Julie and Steve's Majorcan home was yesterday the setting for House Invaders in the Sun which is to be the flagship programme, along with Garden Invaders in the Sun, of the fifth series which starts on January 7 on BBC1. Having been elected to be the “stars” of the only home improvement programme being filmed in Majorca by award-winning Bazal Productions, for Julie, a self-confessed interior design “nut,” “it's amazing.” Julie, Steve and their two daughters sold up and left Birmingham for Majorca on January 3 this year. Having owned a flat on the island, they decided it was time to move out for good. Steve, who runs his own air conditioning company on the island, is a technician and therefore good with his hands and Julie loves interior design, so they chose a house which needed plenty done on the inside.

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