The Palma city council has assigned a budget of more than 4'300 million pesetas for wages for the local police force and fire brigade this year, compared to last year's budget of 3'900 million pesetas. More than 1'300 million pesetas will go on basic wages for the police force, with a further 2'037 million pesetas in supplementary payments, 57 million pesetas in over time and ten million pesetas for attending trials. Last year, the council spent 174 million pesetas to allow policemen to attend trials. The basic wages for the fire brigade come to just over 357 million pesetas, nine per cent more than last year. Supplementary payments are up by 11 per cent to 522 million pesetas, but overtime pay comes to just 13 million pesetas. Other aspects of the police force and fire brigade are covered by separate budgets. This year, the council plans to have more police officers on the beat, and will also reinforce the beach patrols during the summer months. The Local Police force often works in close collaboration with the National Police force, while the Palma fire brigade on occasions helps combat fires in neighbouring municipalities.
More city council funds for the police and fire brigade