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Mad cow in Balearics is “impossible”

Agricultural experts try to calm consumer fears about buying and eating beef.

According to the head of the Balearics sheep sector Tomas Cortes and the director general of agricultural association Asaja-Baleares, Gabriel Company, the experts have said that it is “impossible” for mad cow disease to reach the region and that the Balearics are subject to exhaustive inspections ordered by the Ministers for Agriculture and Health in order to ensure “the maximum guarantees for the consumer.” The representatives for the agricultural organisations said yesterday that they hope to try and calm public opinion and the fears of consumers. It appears that “mad cow” only affects animals more than 24 months old, but in the Balearics female cows are slaughtered at nine months and males when they reach 11 months. Both men also pointed out that the use of animal feed to fatten livestock was banned by the European Union six months ago, therefore the risks in the Balearics “are zero say the experts.” But the Balearics has had its own food scare to deal with, that of the Blue Tongue virus which hit the Majorcan and Minorcan sheep flocks.

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