The Palma to Inca railway service has run at another loss this year and the SFM Majorcan Railway Company has drawn up a long term strategy to transform the railway into a profitable operation by attracting tourists to use the line. Next year SFM is going to invest some 100 million pesetas on improving the railway's profile and trying to tempt tourists on board. SFM chairman Jose Antonio Santos says 90 percent of the Soller Train's passengers are tourists while 90 percent of our passengers are Majorcan. There are 10 million tourists a year all of which are potential railway passengers. Santos wants to secure that at least a small part of the ten million tourists, use the Inca train. But he is also well aware that SFM will have to provide an attractive service. One of the first steps the railway will take to transform the Palma to Inca line into a tourist service is to publish a guide book featuring all the points of cultural interest in each of the towns through which the railway runs.
Railway boss sees light at the end of the tunnel