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British resident to set up Trust to help foreigners

British ant U.S. strats throw all their support behind ben lloyd trust

Sis months ago the five-year-old son of British resident Nina Hilton suffered a potentially fatal accident at a local supermarket. Ben Lloyd, now six, managed to win the fight for his life, although there are still months and months of brain scans and plastic surgery to be carried out and there is always the worrying question about whether the accident will cut the youngster's life short, stuck at the back of his mother's mind. But, out of the family's ordeal over the past six months, Nina Hilton has learnt and experienced many things, but in particular she had realised what a testing and trying affair it is for foreigners overseas when a serious accident occurs in the family. Over the past five months Nina Hilton has been laying the foundation for the Ben Lloyd Trust, which is to be based in England and the Balearics, with the prime aim of offering all the necessary services to tourists or foreign residents in the event of a serious accident. The Trust has already received the full support and backing of top British entertainer Bobby Davro, TV presenter Wendy Turner is a trustee, PR guru Max Clifford has also given his backing, as have the Three Degrees and Wendy's sister Anthea, who contacted the Bulletin yesterday to express her full support. Hilton has nothing but the maximum praise for Son Dureta hospital, where Ben was treated and spent the first three days with doctors waiting to see if her son would live or die, and she fully appreciates that there are not “enough bodies to go round and deal with all the foreign patients, they only have a few interpreters which are also medical staff so their primary concern is treating people not talking,” she said.

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