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Fresh crackdown on nautical safety

Balearics has largest number of marinas

This summer the nautical sector is being asked to respect the rules and regulations, tighten up on contamination and respect swimmers as past of a nautical accident prevention campaign launched yesterday by government in co-operation with the air sea rescue services and the Maritime Captain. Two campaigns will be running this summer, Nautica 2000 and “a practical guide to nautical recreation.” Last year there were 1'793 vessels registered in the Balearics and, according to central government delegate, Catalina Cirer, there are concerns for safety in Madrid because of the large number of boats in the Balearics. The Balearics has more marinas than any other community in Spain and the second highest number of recreational vessels - as well as the second highest number of marine emergencies and incidents each year. This year, the guide for recreational yachting also applies to the 800 registered jet skies in the Balearics, competitive fishermen and divers. Included in the guides and leaflets will also be basic safety advice, how to prevent hypothermia, to keep the sea clean and also what to do in the event of being rescued by helicopter, although the majority of the 17 rescue missions last year were carried out by rescue vessels. The most common problems encountered by recreational sailors are mechanical, although last year an increase in fires on board was reported. The head of the sea rescue centre, Miguel Chicón, yesterday tried to urge people from using mobile telephones in the event of an emergency but instead to use the VHF or medium wave radios which enables the rescue services to pin point the location of a stricken vessel and also enables vessels in the vicinity to hear the distress call.

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