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Guardia Civil playing a broader role in Balearic policing

Last year the Guardia Civil dealt with nearly 12'000 crimes, of which a third were solved, according to figures released yesterday. A total of 2'574 arrests were made and the vast majority of crimes investigated by the Guardia Civil were crimes against private property. By the close of last year, the Guardia Civil had investigated 11.920 crimes, 9'773 involved private property and it is those crimes which the Guardia found hardest to solve. Their success rate in solving such crimes was the lowest, just 24 per cent of the cases have been closed. However, the Guardia Civil enjoyed a high success rate in solving crimes against public administrations, public order offences and domestic incidents. The annual figures also state that the vast majority of suspects arrested were male, 2'389 in all with just 185 women being detained. However, the Guardia Civil's role in modern society is not merely policing. The Balearic force was involved in 4'251 rescue and humanitarian incidents such as the search for missing children, helping the injured and sick and dealing with attempted suicides. The Guardia Civil were called to assist in 1'317 emergency operations, rescuing a total 1'559 people in a wide range of incidents. Nowadays the Guardia Civil are frequently called in to co-operate in fighting fires, floods, traffic accidents and incidents in the mountains, swimming pools and on the Balearics' beaches.

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