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World Red Cross Day in Palma

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia will preside the Spanish celebrations of World Red Cross Day in Palma on May 4. It is the first time that the event has been held in Majorca and it is thanks to the efforts of Gerardo Bonet, president of the Balearic chapter. The main event, which will take place at the conservatoire, will be the presentation of the Red Cross gold medals for humanitarian work. This year two Majorcan entities will be honoured, the Asociación Zaqueo and the Obra Social de Sa Nostra. The World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is the official commemoration which recalls the ideal of solidarity and mutual aid. The theme for this year is The Power of Humanity. The Spanish Red Cross has 59 chapters, 140'000 volunteers and more than 600'000 members. Speeches on May 4 will be made by King Juan Carlos, Majorcan writer Baltasar Porcel and José Manuel Suarez, president of the Spanish Red Cross.

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