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How Douglas got e-mail virus

Michael Douglas announced his engagement on his web-site and it all went smoothly. But when he came to announce that his wife-to be, Catherine Zeta Jones, was pregnant with his child, things went slightly wrong. The Bulletin sent Michael Douglas (a frequent Bulletin reader) and Catherine Zeta Jones an E-Mail to congratulate them. But yesterday we found that a fault on his web-page meant that all the E-mails had been received and bounced on to other senders. So when Bulletin staff looked at our E-Mail yesterday, we thought it was Christmas. We had no fewer that 50 E-mails from all over the world, congratulating the happy couple. A colleague on our sister paper, Ultima Hora, received a similar number. Even though we pride ourselves on being a digital newspaper, we have now decided to send our letter of congratulations by post. We hope that Michael and Catherine receive it before the baby is born! See Centres for Baby Talk

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