As we skip rather jauntily into 2025 it’s hard to believe that yet another year has well and truly been stashed beneath our Balearic belts. The reindeers have long since pranced off our rooftops. Santa has legged it back to Lapland. And Father Time has reaped another harvest at our expense, leaving us with a new and hopefully brighter future to look forward to, as we eagerly await the latest opportunities of fulfilling 2025’s hopes and aspirations.
It is also that time of year when traditionally we reflect on the past, and invite ways to improve our lot with the symbolic gesture of pledging a dreaded ‘resolution’. These annual ‘oaths’ and ‘intentions’ are often rashly proclaimed, rather randomly in fact, and without much thought to the possibility of achieving a reasonable success.
A common example comes from the unrelenting bravado associated with a well-practised drinker, who in an inebriated stupor on New Year’s Eve suddenly declares: “Well, thashh hit lads, the larshht won everrrr! Hic!” What they invariably forget to include within that heart felt ‘pledge’ is - “until tomorrow lushtime when I’ve come back to my senses!” It’s the same with habitual smokers. Under the pressure of New Year they sincerely endeavour to quit for good, yet rarely see the week out let alone the 2nd day of January. And giving up chocolate! I mean, totally ridiculous. Why anyone would even go there?
In general, if you are thinking of giving a nod to any new year tradition with a ‘resolution’, at least try and make it halfway achievable or you’ll end up feeling a total failure even before you set out. Or better still, instead of giving up something old, why not simply commit to starting something new? A much better idea in my book!
With another year notched up on the astral calendar, for many ex-pats living here on the island, that also means retirement – offering another great opportunity to embark on a new hobby/interest, or the chance to re-visit an old one, like learning to speak Spanish. It’s never too late!
To some, the idea of ‘yet another year’, can seem quite daunting, but growing older is an inescapable fact of life. Enjoying and embracing those mature years with a smile, not a frown, has been scientifically proven to keep the spirit youthful. And let’s face it, some of those ‘senior moments’ we might experience are laughably hilarious. Sadly, those ‘moments’ happen to us all in the end! The other day I flew up the stairs and burst into a room as if my life depended on it, only to stare vacantly at the far wall, wondering what could possibly be stashed away in there which demanded such urgency. Naturally, the moment I was back downstairs, I remembered. You have to smile, because to be honest, there is simply no point in worrying.
According to social scientists, 60 is the new launchpad year for ‘adventure’ with late bloomers in their seventh decade entering the time of their lives!
For example: Michelangelo didn’t finish his frescoes in The Cappella Paolina chapel until the ripe old age of 74. Verdi was 79 before he premiered his comic opera, ‘Falstaff’. Hardinge Giffard, 1st Earl of Halbury didn’t sit down to pen his 20 volume encyclopaedia of English law until he was 90. More glamorously, Coco Chanel continued to rule her French fashion empire at 85 before handing over creative directorship to a much younger designer Karl Lagerfield, a mere child at 82. And Mary Berry at 89 has never been more popular or in demand!
Our own Sr. Gabriel Pocovi Pou, ex-mayor of Mancor de la Vall, who was in office for 16 years between 1979 and 1995 took a ‘world history’ open university degree for ‘seniors’ in his autumn years, passing with the highest honours. So it’s all out there for the taking. Of course, we can’t all be super achievers, but we can still try, and at least maintain an upbeat image, whatever our ages, as we enter yet another new year.
Whilst writing this article, it’s chilly outside, yet the sun is shining and I am sitting in our village square enjoying a coffee. The regular clan of village elders have gathered around their coffee cups and are putting the world to rights. Well three of them are. The others are just looking ahead and staring rather blankly, yet hopefully enjoying the morning along with all the second-hand gossip. I can’t help wondering what they will all be doing with the rest of their days, moving forward into 2025? I only hope they are fulfilled and getting the most out of their advancing years, and haven’t given up, believing all there is to do is to simply sit around!
Learning something different, or taking up a new interest at any age isn’t easy, but doing it at 60 plus feels absolutely extraordinary! So don’t just sit around doing nothing. Forget resolutions and start something completely anew like owning the New Year and realizing a gratifying goal!