October - my favourite month of the year

Why October is ideal for visiting allorca

Colour takes center stage. Another summer-like day with high temperatures in early October

Colour takes center stage. Another summer-like day with high temperatures in early October. | TONI DIEZ

| Palma | |

I was having a discussion with a couple of friends the other day when the subject “What’s your favourite month of the year?” came up. Hmmm - that’s an interesting one I thought, and before I had time to consider - Whereabouts? I blurted out…October - without even a second thought. As I was in the company of a couple of men based here in middle-England I was given two rather strange sideways glances from those who worship at the altar of summertime, whether it be in the UK or most certainly in or around Mallorca or any part of the western Mediterranean.

However, I standby my bold reply to the question, because I have to say that it only took me about five years from arriving on the island at the turn of the millennium, to both realise and understand, just why the month that has just past us by was my absolute favourite time of year. Whether it be because the ‘sting’ has usually gone from the sun and the island is in a sort of elegant repose, I always loved October when the weather is/was usually kind and all-embracing and inclusive in the best possible way.

It might of also have helped that my nearby Mallorcan neighbours clearly loved that time of year and celebrated it by holding their very own island flavoured outdoor parties (like BBQ’s but very different) and being kind enough to invite us two… not-quite-so-local neighbours.

Indeed, although sometimes the weather can be occasionally ‘Iffy’ mostly the month of mellow fruitfulness can be hard to beat as the alarms and excursions of a busy summer mostly come to an end. Then there is the colour that attaches itself to the natural world at this time of year as you breath deeply, contentedly, and wait again - until next year!

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