Spain’s own goal despite rock solid play

Footballers should stick to football

Euro 2024 - Spain Parade after winning Euro 2024

Spain's coach Luis de la Fuente celebrate with his players on Plaza Cibeles after winning Euro 2024. | Juan Medina

| Palma |

The Spanish national soccer squad are invincible on the pitch but some could say that a few inviduals are imbeciles off it when they celebrate their success. The women’s soccer team beat England in the finals and won the World Cup only for their celebrations to be marred by the “infamous kiss. Now, some male players have caused a storm by shouting Gibraltar is Spanish during their celebrations. The comments have created a “storm on the Rock” with the Gibraltar government telling them to take a long walk on a short plank!

Even the Spanish government have got involved stating that footballers should stick to football and leave policy matters to the Spanish government. Gibraltar is planning to complain to UEFA over the incident. They are not amused eventhough the Spanish government was quick to point out that it was said in jest. Is it all a storm in a tea-cup?

Well yes but the people of Gibraltar do have a point: it can’t be nice to hear comments about their beloved “Rock” from a country which they believe has treated them very badly and especially from football players. One of the most vocal on the subject was a player who will soon be returning to Manchester City.

“Manchester, Español?” Things can easily be taken out of context and I sincerely doubt that any harm was meant but one thing it does show; some Spaniards still feel very strongly about Gibraltar and it will continue to mar relations between the two countries. A shame but true.

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