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When eating out was relatively cheap

I would urge restaurants to re-introduce the menu of the day and get back some of their customers...

If restaurants want to see a return of some of their clients I would urge them to re-introduce the good old menu of the day. | M.A. CAÑELLAS

| Palma |

Restaurants in Mallorca are allegedly feeling the pinch and have seen a major drop in takings so far this summer. I don’t think this will come as a shock to anyone because, in some cases, quality has been reduced and prices have been increased.

This state of affairs is probably as a result of the cost-of-living crisis which has seen food prices rocket, but to be honest we are all in the same boat, higher prices and stagnant incomes. Eating out anywhere is not cheap but I was rather shocked to read that some people budget 60 euros a head when they go out for dinner or lunch. If restaurants want to see a return of some of their clients I would urge them to re-introduce the good old menu of the day. Good value basic food.

Granted that the profit margins will probably be low but surely it’s better to make something rather than nothing. Spain was once known for its menus of the day. Most restaurants offered them. But now they have all but disappeared. Near our offices in Palma at one time there were a large number of restaurants which offered the fixed-price menu. Now there is just one and I’m happy to say that it is packed. Two courses with a drink for 13 euros. Not bad especially when you see that some people are budgeting 60 euros per head.

To be honest, Mallorca needs to return to the days of 13 euro meals because money is tight. It would be fantastic if everyone could afford 60 euros but this is not the case.

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