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Free speech has gone

Soon we will be told what to think and why

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage speaks as people celebrate in Parliament Square on Brexit day in London, Britain January 31, 2020. | Simon Dawson

| Palma |

Regular readers of this column will know that I am no fan of Brexit and the people responsible. As much as I dislike the views of former UKIP and Brexit Party leader, Nigel Farage, I do respect his rights in a democratic country. The fact that his bank account is being closed down for his “views” is outrageous; more reminiscent of the Soviet bloc than a country which prides itself on Free Speech and democracy. If it was the government which had come to this decision, acting on its own information, then perhaps I would be more understanding but this is a private organisation (well not that private as the government still downs a 30 percent stake in the bank). It now appears that banks can decide who they want as their clients, not because of their credit rating but because of their political views.

As far as I know, Nigel Farage, has committed no offence and in fact his views are supported by the majority of the British public who voted for Brexit. It doesn’t say much for Britain when banks can turn people away because of their political views. Free speech is slowly being eroded across Europe and now private enterprise has got involved. Soon we will be told what to think and why, and this is so sad coming from a country which prides itself on free speech. The words of Voltaire rather sum up my feelings: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it...” I myself have strong views on Brexit and I told people like Farage responsible for railroading Britain into a decision which was not good for the country, and Britain has been suffering ever since. Brexit was a bad idea but I also believe that there was a fair amount of misinformation emanating from the Leave Camp. However, whatever their views I support the right of all for Free Speech.

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