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Emotional incontinence

The UK has shown him little love, so he may just find more charitable and forgiving folk elsewhere

Phillip Schofield. | wikipedia

| Palma |

There was a time when ‘stiff upper lip’ meant coping with whatever personal trauma came your way, however tricky. These days, that’s all gone out of the window as many bear their soul across social media and beyond with weeping emojis and painfully honest posts about how they are feeling. Mental health, is after all, the name of the game.

I was reading some Twitter feed the other day and it was so banal that I almost fell off my chair with boredom. One post was about someone’s dull sounding breakfast while another Twitter user catalogued her problems with finding the right tee shirt to wear. The next post showed a picture of a woman eating an ice-cream with the word ‘Weekend. Me.’

How odd that people feel the need to share such complete trivia. Perhaps it’s loneliness, lack of social awareness or the desperate need to be recognised and included. I don’t honestly know. However, judging by the outpouring of false grief associated with the Phillip Schofield This morning affair, it’s rife on TV screens too. No sooner had poor old, shamed Phil left our screens, than Holly Willoughby, his former co-host, was back on the ITV show uttering a banal and soulless statement while wringing her hands and offering seemingly fake tears. She clung theatrically to her female stand-in co-host as if she were a life raft. I imagine this was all staged by the show’s editor and TV bosses and had been well-rehearsed but it really was cringe-worthy and did none of the protagonists any favours.

Whatever anyone thinks of Phillip Schofield and his shock departure from TV screens, surely, he deserved better than this after so many years hosting the morning show? I appreciate that he duped his bosses and show colleagues about his relationship with a younger colleague, but he didn’t commit child murder. British newspapers have gone into overdrive and the public too. It’s all so strange, insincere, and incomprehensible.

I suppose the good news for Phillip is that he previously earned a fortune as a news presenter and at 61 years of age, he can now step out of the limelight and fall back on his huge bank account and pay off. Frankly, if I were he, I’d bunker down until the whole storm blew over, keep shtum and then flee the country and settle elsewhere. The UK has shown him little love, so he may just find more charitable and forgiving folk elsewhere.

Only Fans….

It’s slightly alarming how many low-grade female celebrities are flocking to feature on the site, Only Fans. This seemingly harmless sounding website is actually, by any other name, a form of virtual prostitution whereby male subscribers ogle semi or un-clad women to their hearts content. The female icons are remunerated for taking off their kit and most seem to be proud of their efforts. A good number have kids and I can only imagine how embarrassing it must be for teenagers to discover that their mums are parading their inflated boobs, botoxed foreheads and wobbly bits to a cast of unknown thousands. There is no shame in this game apparently and an increasing number of young women are coming on board. I suppose it’s a very easy way to make money without having to leave the house but at what cost?

Just stop…!

The Just Oil menaces seem to infiltrate every aspect of UK life and yet the police and authorities seem either incapable or disinclined to prevent them from ruining people’s lives on a daily basis. Friends in London do not have a good word to say about them and it seems to have set back climate change support big time. Can these delusional souls not see that rather than garner support, they are actively making enemies every time they prevent an ambulance from reaching a hospital, a person from getting to work or a mother or father desperately trying to get their child to the school gates on time?

T Rex lizard on the loose

The British media has announced tremulously that a four-foot lizard is on the loose in Cumbria, having escaped its cage at a family home. Described as speedier than T Rex, no doubt householders are shaking in their boots and staying indoors. In reality, this harmless Tegu lizard is very easy-going and would never actively attack anyone. Not really a news story, then? But why ruin a drama that could run and run, just like the poor old lizard himself?

Dead and buried

As the UK remains buried in daily news about the transgressions of TV presenter, Phillip Schofield, and the antics of Just Oil protestors, the rest of the globe grieves as genuine, full-scale world disasters continue apace. The war in Ukraine continues in bloody manner while India mourns the loss of 275 lives in a horrendous train collision in the eastern state of Odisha. How strange it is how trivia engulfs our news and daily lives when very real and tragic news lies just a whisper away.

Gatsby of Cambridge

The American social media influencer, Caroline Calloway, has admitted that some years ago she lived the highlife at Cambridge University, having tricked her way in with a false set of qualifications on her CV. Shame on the university if true but I imagine that any American bigshot with jangling pockets would be an attraction to British universities today, whatever the weather. Now, the cheeky imp has got herself a book deal, using the title, Scammer. Calloway may be a callow youth and totally dishonest but you’ve got to hand it to her: the girl’s got chutzpah!

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