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The end of “I have never known it so hot...”

If I had a euro for every time some said to me this summer “I have never known it so hot,” I would be a rich man!

The heat wave is over. | M.A. CAÑELLAS

| Mallorca |

Thankfully, the third heat wave of the summer is now over and we can look forward to more “normal weather...”

I have been amazed at some the measures which people have been forced to take because of the extreme heat. I know of one family who all slept in the same room because it had air conditioning and I know of many cases where people had shunned air conditioning only to go out and buy one this summer. Yes, it has been exceptionally hot this year but to be honest, Mallorca has dealt with the heat.

Only one place on the island, Deya, has introduced a hose-pipe ban. There have been no major shortages and things have run smoothly. Then there is Britain which doesn't appear to be prepared for the cold or the heat. Hose-pipe bans have been introduced, more disruption to the already highly disrupted public transport network. The list goes on.

The only shortage in Mallorca has been ice. Now, I find this rather odd because you can quite easily make your own. But ofcourse you will need a rather big fridge to supply one of the big hotels! So yes it as been a question of Mallorca on Ice. The boffins say that this is the new normal for summers in the southern Mediterranean; heat waves and high temperatures.

Not ideal because I have heard that some people do not come to the island in July and August because it is too hot. I suppose we must get accustomed because the heat is here to stay, thank goodness for air conditioning. These days on Mallorca it is a must. And to think that when I first moved to Mallorca no-one had air conditioning or central heating. Imagine, these days living without....

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