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Comment: Time for change

Every Friday a new weekly publication, Mallorca Bulletin

Jason Moore with the Bulletin readers. | JOAN LLADO

| Palma |

This year marks the 60th anniversary of this publication and what better time to introduce change which will ensure its future and hopefully mean that it can reach 100 years and more. From the end of this month the Majorca Daily Bulletin will become an online publication with a new and improved website which will cater for readers from across the globe with all the local news and features and much more. But we are not ending our connection with print.

Every Friday a new weekly publication, Mallorca Bulletin, will appear packed with your favourite features and lots more. It will be on sale at all kiosks and it can also be delivered to your home or business. This bumper edition will give you a real insight into what has been happening on the island during the week along with new content. Indeed these are exciting times at the Bulletin.

Obviously, there is some sorrow at the end of our daily print edition but the most important thing for me is that the brand continues in a new form. The media is an industry which has always been in evolution.

Who would have thought that newspapers would be producing their own TV videos to be played on their online platforms? This is something which we will also be doing. Our present website ( has enjoyed fantastic levels of growth in recent years.

Seventy percent of our online readers are in the United Kingdom, Scandanavia or the United States. A sizeable part of our revenue now comes from our website. One of the reasons why we have decided to take the Bulletin online is that many advertisers no longer want print, just online. The change in how people read the media is evident for everyone to see.

The last time I was back in London I was amazed to see that only a small number of people were actually reading a newspaper, everyone else was glued for their phones. But I appreciate that many people, of an age like myself, do enjoy a print newspaper and this is one of the reasons why we will be producing the Mallorca Bulletin, which I hope will be as successful as its online older sister, the Majorca Daily Bulletin.

I worked out the other day that my involvement with this publication goes back almost 45 years. My parents purchased our first television set from a classified advertisement in the Bulletin and when I was aged 9 my first Bulletin article was published on the schools page when I was a student at Bellver International College. My mother maintained that it was the best article I have ever written for the paper!

Thank you for your support and if you have any questions please contact me: Anyone with subscription questions should be sent to

Key dates:

Friday April 29: launch of the new Mallorca Bulletin publication.
Friday May 6: gala launch of the new website in Palma.

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