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Spain, the G20 guest

When you look at the list of G20 members, it does not really make much sense.

I don’t understand why Spain is not an official member of the G20. | Borja Puig de la Bellacasa

| Palma |

After a weekend of adding to the world’s carbon footprint at the G20 summit in Rome, global leaders and some 300 other experts are now stomping around Scotland, some will be there for next two weeks before jetting across the world to go home. Joe Biden rocked up in Rome and went to meet the Pope in a convoy of 72 vehicles, I hopes they were all hybrid...

Now, Spain was at the G20, it has been ever since being invited as a “guest” in 2008 to Washington by the then President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy.

But when you look at the list of G20 members, it does not really make much sense.
Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, USA, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, UK, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and EU are the lucky countries but why are Italy and France in the gang when so too is the European Union?

During the pandemic, Spain has set an example to the world it the way in which is has dealt with covid, in particular its vaccination campaign.

But covid aside, Spain is a world leading tourist destination not to mention its commitment to green energy exploring wave, wind and solar options with Spanish energy companies experimenting with projects across Europe, so I would ditch the EU and replace it with Spain.

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