Viewpoint: Grounded

A more flexible approach was needed and thankfully this has now been introduced.

“I would say that the traffic light system has been a disaster from the start...”

“I would say that the traffic light system has been a disaster from the start...” | Marcelo Sastre

| Palma |

Better late than never, accurately sums up the restrictive travel measures introduced by the British government over the summer. Thankfully, the traffic light system has now been scrapped and it was Mallorcan hoteliers who used the phrase “better late than never.” The traffic light was a silly idea.

If your resort was on “green” there was always a big danger that it could change to amber overnight meaning that you could be stranded or have to pay for expensive PCR tests. The government has now scrapped it and there is only a red list for those resorts which are at danger level.

The system has led to many mixed messages and has caused the local tourist industry and the British travel industry a great deal of harm. A more flexible approach was needed and thankfully this has now been introduced.

The traffic light system gave out all the wrong messages and didn´t make travel easier, far from it. It will take years for the British travel industry to fully recover. Also, the British public, in some instances, have to be persuaded that it is safe to travel again.

One thing which has been clear during the pandemic is that information is vital and perhaps even the local authorities here need to examine the ways that they get their messages across to visiting tourists.

The Balearic government has always maintained that the islands were a safe holiday destination. This was correct from the start but the traffic light system rather confused things.

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