Summer Blog: Mallorca is much more than sun and beaches

September in Mallorca is an ideal time to sample some local culture and gastronomy

After an exciting swim in “our pool”.

After an exciting swim in “our pool”. | Amanda Jeffrey

| Majorca |

G etting back to work or going back to our studies after a long and relaxing holiday can be quite hard for everyone but worse for people who live in big cities like Madrid, for instance. I already told you that before the pandemic I used to have to go to this great city at least thrice a week doing Pronunciation Workshops because of “El Book de Amanda”, which was truly great but exhausting because of so much travel and not being able to switch off.

Most people who live in Madrid enjoy visiting places like La Sierra or Segovia when they have some time off, but distances there are not like in Mallorca, so it’s also a matter of investing a considerable amount of time for reaching these destinations. I really can’t stress enough how lucky we are to live in Mallorca, where I am now privileged to be able to carry on doing these workshops with my laptop. Our island is the perfect place to disconnect, not “just” for a holiday but for enjoying life.

Mallorca is much more than sun and beaches so it’s not necessary to leave the island in order to disconnect and pamper oneself.

On Friday afternoon some friends of ours, Celia and Juan, invited us to their lovely home. They were both professional dancers and my hubby and I owe them our beautiful wedding dance, choreographed with the song “Perfect”. They are a fun, bubbly, creative family with whom time truly flies! Moreover, as you can see, Celia baked this colourful strawberry and raspberry cake for us. Doesn’t it look delicious? It really was!

On Saturday my hubby and I went to Universal Hotel Marqués in Colònia de Sant Jordi. “Where else?”, George Clooney would probably say. We had a smashing time and felt like tourists! We went in for a drink and listened to an engaging fun singer who had an extensive repertoire in German, French and Italian, which makes sense since most of the clients at the hotel are Swiss.

One of the nice waiters there, Toni, told us they are going to remain open this year until the end of October which is brilliant news, for sure, and hopefully from now on the summer season will always last longer and more hotels will be able to remain open all year round, like the Hotel Bonanza did when I was a child!

On Sunday I woke up as I do when in Colònia de Sant Jordi: rested, happy and absolutely relaxed. I started my day with a lovely breakfast, then doing some exercises and stretching. I enjoy the discipline of stretching every day, which simply helps me start the day better! I also do it before going to bed, which my hubby thinks is hilarious because he says I look like a frog!

It’s bizarre how things happen... Remember that long but extremely interesting environmental translation into English and German, I told you about last week, all about sea species? Well, Victor and I went out for a swim in “our pool”, the gorgeous Mediterranean sea, but were shocked when we suddenly saw a rather large jellyfish.

However, it was big enough to watch carefully so we just kept our distance without letting that disrupt our activity, then afterwards we informed the neighbours and “sit rep” (situational report) of its presence, just in case. After that exciting swim we enjoyed lunch with my wonderful parents on our terrace looking out at the island of Cabrera. As good as it gets, isn’t it?

In Mallorca we have the great privilege of enjoying pleasant temperatures and good weather throughout the year. September is one of my favourite months when the sea water is still warm, it’s less crowded, there’s less traffic on the roads, hotels make good offers, the sunset is more beautiful than ever and there’s a breeze that allows you to go on excursions to visit beautiful scenarios around Sóller, Deya, Valldemossa or Banyalbufar, among many other stunning Mallorcan locations. September in Mallorca is an ideal time to sample some local culture and gastronomy, so that’s when I always recommend my family and friends abroad to visit. Keep it under your hat!

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