Keep calm and carry on

AstraZeneca jab was put on standby for two weeks

| Palma |

A PART from the vaccine passport, which appears to have hit the buffers within the European Union for now, there is no quick way to relaunch travel.

The Balearic government is sensibly demanding a negative PCR test for all travellers arriving on the island from other regions (and countries). According to the local government, Covid controls are being tightend at Palma airport ahead of the Easter influx.

I am glad to say that the local authorities are not pushing for “tourism at any cost” like other competing destinations. Obviously, the Balearic government is under great pressure from the tourist industry but the local authorities must stand firm.

The last thing we want at the moment is a so-called fourth wave which will send us into lockdown again. While cases remain low there has been a worrying increase in the Balearics over the last two or three days.

We must be careful. Also, the vaccination programme in the islands has come to a standstill after the AstraZeneca jab was put on standby for two weeks.

Relaunching tourism in a safe envirnment will not be easy and the days when the islands was welcoming millions of tourists are just a distant memory.

It will take years for the industry to reach is 2019 levels. For the time being I urge the local authorities to be extra careful and not lift restrictions too early or allow a mass arrival of tourism. My view is that it is better to be safe than sorry.

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