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Young leaving Mallorca

Young Europeans are leaving Mallorca

| Mallorca-International |

THE thought of not being close to family and friends this Christmas, and perhaps separated from them and their home country for longer than expected, is forcing some young Europeans and foreigners currently working in Mallorca to head home.

Some businesses which employ international, multiskilled and multilingual staff have reported that over the past few weeks, that foreign members of staff who have no roots on the island have decided to resign and head home in time for Christmas and avoid being potentially caught in another lockdown and prevented from seeing their friends and families after an already lengthy period of time apart.

Every day of this pandemic throws up new stories and challenges - we all seem to be moving two steps forward and two steps back and making any kind of mid to long term plan is proving increasingly complicated because no one seems to know what is going to happen next.

We may appear to have a vaccine, but a recent study in Spain discovered that fewer than 30 percent of the population are prepared to be first in the queue for a shot. In fact, nearly 70 percent would prefer to have another one month lockdown like the country had back in March when the pandemic broke out.

Trying to predict what the public is going to do next is proving increasingly difficult.

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