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What's a safe corridor?

| Majorca-International |

SPANISH politicians both here in the Balearics and in Madrid are quite frankly dangling a carrot in front of us and every time they mention safe corridors we all get extremely excited. But, sadly, I think we need to get real and ignore the political rumour mill. Just look at the numbers, the spikes, the growth and expansion of the so-called ‘second wave’, as if the first ever went away.

Yes, the Balearics, like many other tourism-dependent regions of Spain want holiday makers back in large numbers, but it’s not going to happen in the short term. At best, we may see a little trickle over the winter but, as the current situation stands across Europe and around the world, it could be well into next year before safe corridors get the green light. Until the R numbers are brought down significantly and the new lockdowns or “circuit breakers” as they are now called in the UK and curfews have worked and are lifted we are all in the same catch 22 situation which no one appears to really know how to deal with.

Both Spain and the UK are divided as to how best to proceed with arguments breaking out between Regional and Central Governments. Obviously, nobody wants to be under some form of lockdown and have their right to free movement and normal behaviour curtailed and dictated but until everyone, or at least the vast majority, adheres to the rules and regulations, safe corridors will remain just a dream.

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