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Hoteliers need to get real

| Palma |

I am being bombarded with messages from leading hotel chains and booking platforms offering me up to 50 percent off but I’m still astounded at the prices hotel chains are offering.

The past five years have been a boom period for the Balearics, one of many since mass tourism took off in the 60s and as a self-proclaimed market leader, hoteliers have continued to hike their prices year-on-year, now, however, they’ve got a problem.

The pandemic has revealed a nasty truth, the majority of hotels in the Balearics are way over priced and even with the alleged special offers, hotels are still cheaper in rising competing destinations, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean, which are managing to enjoy something of a summer tourist season.

Hoteliers must surely appreciate that punters vote with their feet and decisions, for the most part, boil down to cost, especially when it comes to family holidays.

UK tour operators, for example, are currently offering weeks at four-star hotels in Corfu including flights for 100 pounds. Admittedly that is only bed and breakfast but when you go out of the hotel, bars and restaurants are much cheaper than here in the Balearics.

So, Britons, with or without quarantine, know what makes sense.

As the Spanish say, there will be ‘a before and after’ with regards to the pandemic and I think now is the time for hoteliers to take a reality check.

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