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The terrace U-turn

| Palma |

Palma city council has just performed the greatest U-turn since the last one by deciding to not only allow bars and restaurants to open their terraces but more importantly, make them even bigger to allow space for social distancing once they all get the green light to partly return to business.

Some extremely savvy establishments have been providing take out food and drinks since the lockdown came into force and, much to their credit and hard work, have done very nicely out of it. But now, as we enter into the phase out stage, bars and restaurants are now planning on how to revive their businesses starting with opening the terraces City Hall was busy removing on the eve of lockdown.

Needless to say the Palma resident association is up in arms but I think it’s a case of needs must to save the local economy and jobs from total oblivion. It is a tough call for the bar and restaurant sector, will opening for a reduced capacity of over 30 percent prove viable?

Demand will certainly be there now that the sun is shining and we will also soon be allowed to meet up with close friends for a chat and a drink, but bars and restaurants will be doing their numbers and not all of them will open immediately.

But, those which do, will lay their terraces out with a smile on their faces after all the nonsense they’ve had to put up with from the local council.

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