
Turn to military veterans

| Palma |

The coronavirus crisis facing the United Kingdom could offer hundreds, if not thousands, of military veterans with an opportunity to play another vitally important role in saving and protecting lives. Over the years, through my involvement with the Not Forgotten Association, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, although not as it would have liked since all garden parties at Buckingham Palace have been cancelled, I have met numerous veterans of conflicts dating back to the Falklands who are more than capable of stepping up to the plate and assisting the authorities in this time of need.

We are talking about a large group of male and female service personnel who are highly skilled and trained in a wide range of fields who are more than capable of responding to any situation they are thrown into.

What is more, many of the homeless which the British government is battling to house, are sadly former veterans who have either been shunned by the MOD or have found it hard to find a role, a place, on civvy street. Many have spent years not only fighting on the front line but also helping to combat humanitarian crisis in some of the world’s most inhospitable places, so why not bring them back into the fold of public service in their own country where they can help their own communities, friends and families?

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