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Bercow's courage

| Palma |

Many long-time British residents of Majorca may well remember when the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, came to the island as a guest speaker for the Conservatives Abroad. In those days he was a rising star in the Tory party. Dubbed the Rotweiler he was even tipped as a future leader of the party. At that time Bercow's aunt lived on the island and more than 100 people attended the event which took place at a Palma restaurant. Bercow quickly impressed and you could see why he was being billed as a rising star.

Who would have thought that 20 years later Bercow is now considered to be a traitor to his own party by many senior Conservatives? His plan to block yet another vote on Theresa May's infamous Brexit plan has been met with anger by many Tories. But Bercow is right. What the government cant do is to present the same plan time and time again, hoping that it will be approved. Bercow was savaged by many London newspapers yesterday but he is only doing his job and defending parliament and its members. I admire the courage the "Rotweiler" is showing. He knew he would be attacked for allegedly blocking Brexit. But he is blameless; the people responsible for this mess are the British government and to a lesser extent the opposition who have spent two years working on a plan which was doomed to fail.

Bercow was just stating the obvious; it is back to the drawing board.

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