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Voting time

| Palma |

You can tell that the local elections are just around the corner; all of a sudden the local political scene has burt into life. Ruling parties are busy announcing new legislation. Palma appears to be in overdrive with new laws everyday from a limit on the number of cruise ships to a new maximum traffic speed for the city. The elections, which take place in May, are too close to call but it is almost certain that a coalition government will rule the islands again; whether it left-wing/nationalists or centre right/far right.

What is bitterly disappointing is that even though members of the non-Spanish European community can vote, few will actually do so. This is a great pity, especially when it comes to British residents, who may not be able to vote in the next local elections in four years time because of Brexit. There are plenty of big issues at council level which I suspect many British residents have strong opinions about, so why do just 20 per cent of British people who are eligible to vote actually do so? It is a mystery to me.

In areas such as Calvia, Pollensa and Deya the so-called foreign vote is crucial and it could make or break even the bigger parties. I also believe, in the case of the British, that they should show that they value their vote and want to keep it. The only way they can do this is by voting in May in big numbers. I now that voter apathy does exists but a 20 per cent turnout is little more than a disgrace.

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