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| Palma |

I know Salisbury well; my grandparents once lived there. It is a lovely little place but it is horrific that this small picturesque city has been thrust into the spotlight with a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter. I don't think anyone really doubts who was behind the attack, but what can Britain do? The Kremlin has denied any knowledge of the incident but the difficulty of manufacturing the chemicals used in Salisbury makes them practically the calling card of a government-sponsored assassin. The Russian government has been mocking Britain, claiming that it was just propaganda to discredit the Putin administration. The fact that an attack of this sort was even contemplated shows that those responsible were not too concerned about possible repercussions. In fact, they didn't appear to care.

So, going back to my earlier question - what can Britain do? Well, obviously there needs to be a full and thorough police investigation with no stone left unturned and then the evidence needs to be highlighted for the world to see. If is proven that Russia did order the attack then Britain is going to have to dig deep and try and persuade the international community to blacklist Russia, which will be no easy task. Britain is not in the best position at the moment. It appears to have retreated from the world stage and Brexit will mean that the European Union will not be quick to come to Britain's rescue. Even the US may shy away from taking a stand against the Putin administration. This was a barbaric attack on British soil but Britain is going to find it very hard to get justice.

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