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English in schools

| Palma |

One of the issues which has been blamed for the fall in the number of British citizens is the Balearic state school education system. Many British citizens complain that not enough English is taught in local schools and to some extent they have a point. Less Catalan, more English is their wish. Some British residents who have children of secondary school age say that they have little option but to return to Britain because they are concerned about the education system. The previous centre-right Partido Popular government tried to introduce a three-language learning system (English, Spanish and Catalan). While many thought it was a good idea, there were not enough qualified teachers so that the system could be introduced, and it also sparked an outcry, with thousands of people marching through the streets of Palma. In the end it led to the downfall of the administration of Jose Ramon Bauza of the Partido Popular.

Experts say that if the local authorities are serious about English being taught in local schools then they must start work on a plan which would naturally involve more English teachers being recruited and trained. At one stage the Balearic government was even prepared to ask for British residents to come and help out in local schools with English classes. The local education system is far from perfect and English classes should be increased. These islands live from tourism and speaking the language is vital.

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