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Corbyn underestimated


"Never underestimate your enemy" is a classic quote, but it is quite amazing how relevant it is even today. It could be argued that Hillary Clinton underestimated Donald Trump and that Theresa May has certainly underestimated Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. I watched the debate on Sky News on Monday night with an open mind; I don’t have the vote in next week’s British election and I do not care for either May or Corbyn. But I would say that, without doubt Corbyn was the overall winner. He managed to interact with the audience and I wouldn’t say that Jeremy Paxman landed a single verbal punch on the Labour leader although he threw everything at him from his republican views to his alleged connections with Hamas and the IRA.

Theresa May, on the other hand, appeared like a naughty schoolgirl being verbally blasted by the headmaster. At one point I felt rather sorry for the prime minister as Paxman asked why she had voted against Brexit but was now championing the cause of exit from the European Union. May had few answers, Corbyn on the other hand answered with confidence. This election campaign is rapidly turning into a nightmare for May; she will win but I doubt that she will get the massive majority which was being forecast. The transformation of Corbyn is now almost complete. His policies may not please everyone but he can certainly defend them.

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