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Wake up please


When is the European Union going to wake up? Since last June it has been busy telling everyone who would listen that all is well. Well, it is not. Britain voted to leave and a sizable number of French voters believe that they should follow Britain's example after Marine Le Pen's National Front came second in France's presidential election. Britain has never been in love with the European Union but France, one of the founding members, had always appeared to be pro-European Union. Whatever the final outcome of the general election, the French people have spoken. One in five voters opted for a "Frexit" party. Surely, the time has come for the European Union to admit that there is problem? That they are listening? That they want change? The people have spoken in Britain and to a lesser extent France but their appeal falls on deaf ears.

You can't dismiss the French election result. It was a big deal. Rather than trying to convince everyone that the European Union is a valid organisation, the EU just sticks its head in the sand. The European Union is behaving at the moment like the captain of the Titanic. There is real danger ahead but it hasn't been spotted. Whatever the outcome in France this should be a wake-up call for everyone in Brussels. Real reform is needed and perhaps an element of democracy should be introduced into the European Commission. There are tough times ahead but the EU is just lost.

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