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Brexit: A clear result


A new opinion poll states that 51 per cent of the British population would now vote to stay in the European Union and 49 per cent would vote to leave. This, coupled with the court ruling today which states that parliament must rule on Brexit, puts the British government in a difficult position. But there can be no going back. Even though I personally believe that Britain's vote to leave twas complete madness, I also believe in democracy. A majority of Britons voted for Brexit and the result must stand. If the government now backtracked it would make a mockery of British democracy.

As I have said on numerous occasions in this space, the referendum was more about immigration than the European Union. Yes, there was plenty of scaremongering by both sides. But the Remain Camp was right on one thing: the pound would sink making holidays more expensive for Britons. I would dearly love for Britain to remain as part of a new and reformed EU. I think it would be very sad if all of sudden top companies started moving out of Britain for the continent and I am not convinced by the "Land of Hope and Glory" battle cry of the "Leave" campaign. But the people had their say and they voted to leave. The government is right to appeal the High Court decision but if they are defeated then Britain faces a long parliamentary battle which could thwart any attempts of an early EU divorce.

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