Mixed messages over Brexit


I remember when I interviewed a member of the Balearic parliament she told me privately that the problem with the British was that they said one thing in public and another privately in the European parliament. Sometimes it could be a real nightmare with the "Brits always changing their minds".

I thought of her comments when I read that Theresa May had warned about the dangers of Brexit during the referendum campaign. She allegedly said that she feared a mass exodus of bankers from the City of London. Just last week she said that all was well and she was confident that the City would be relatively unaffected. And then there is the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson. He wrote in a newspaper article just days before the referendum campaign got underway that Britain's place was in the European Union and then he joined the "Leave" campaign. Mixed messages? Well slightly.

It is rather concerning that two senior members of the British government are not convinced over Britain's departure even though they will soon start negotiations for an EU divorce. Not good. A Spanish colleague asked me today: how is the British government thinking today - pro-Europe or anti-Europe? What a mess. I would feel a lot more comfortable before British politicians embark on one of the biggest adventures in British history that they got their ideas straight. If they are not convinced then they should say so before the actual divorce.

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