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Trading hours in Palma


Regular readers of this space will know that I feel very strongly about shop opening hours. I believe that shops should open as much as possible during the busy summer months. At the moment only shops in the Jaime III area of Palma are allowed to open by the council on a Sunday, a disastrous state of affairs but I suppose it is better than nothing.

On Sunday, I noticed than not even shops which can open on a Sunday were opening their doors for business even though the city was packed with tourists. It is an incredible state of affairs. I, unlike the city council or local government, don't want to tell shopkeepers their business but unfortunately they will be the first to moan in November that takings are down. I don't understand why they do not just change their attitude: open more during the summer and and reduce their trading hours during the winter. Simple. There seems little point to me opening for the whole day on a Monday in October or November, when there are few shoppers in sight and closing on a Sunday during the summer when the city is packed.

Shopkeepers should listen to their counterparts in the resorts, who work all hours in the summer and close during the winter. I am not advocating shops closing during the low season in the winter in central Palma but reduced opening hours would be a step in the right direction. I noticed that in London last week some clothes and souvenir shops were still open at midnight.

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