Opening hours in Palma


The big stores in Palma are bringing some pressure on the city council to allow them to have more flexible opening hours, especially during the summer months. At the moment, only shops in the vicinity of Jaime III are allowed to open on a Sunday, a rather strange state of affairs. With a city packed with tourists, it seems very odd that the shops are not allowed to open on a Sunday across the city, during the summer months in particular. It is not just a question of more sales. It will create a greater Palma experience for visiting tourists. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to buy something and you can't because the store is closed. I would urge the town hall to introduce extended opening hours for shops in Palma during the peak summer months. In other words, they can open when they want not when the council allows them. The increased revenue would certainly be a bonus and obviously it would bring Palma to life on a Sunday during the summer.

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